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Shop Policy

Customer Care

Customers are always the center of our attention. We strive to bring them great satisfaction, whether in terms of products or services. All our products are guaranteed for two years.


Our sales and after-sales service team are here to provide information and help you with your requests, questions and the use of our products.

Privacy & Security

The protection of privacy and the security of personal data is not only a legal obligation at SupEye, but also a way of adapting to our world today. Our employees are also users of products from other companies. They demand that their data be protected and not be abused. So they ask for the same from SupEye for themselves, but also for our customers. For us, business is above all about inspiring our customers' confidence and the protection of personal data is an important part.

Large Quantity Purchases

Supporting metal hunters is part of our desire and part of our profession. But if you want to do this with us by offering to distribute our detectors, it will be a pleasure to discuss with you. Contact us through the contact form or call us.

Payment Methods
Payment Methods

- Credit card
- Paypal

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